罐头制造商协会 Members Commit to Aluminum Beverage Can 70 Percent Recycling Rate by 2030

工业计划能否达到回收水平的新高度, Building on Its Strength as the Most Recycled Drinks Package in the United States 和 the World
CMI 成员 commit to the following 目标 for aluminum can recycling: 45% by 2020, 70% by 2030, 80% by 2040, 到2050年达到90%.

华盛顿特区(2021年11月10日)罐头制造商协会 (CMI)饮料罐制造商和铝罐薄板生产商 成员 都致力于实现雄心勃勃的美国经济目标.S. 回收率 目标 包括到2030年达到70%的回收率. These new 目标 will improve the circularity of the aluminum beverage can while demonstrating to beverage companies 和 consumers the industry’s dedication to ensuring the aluminum beverage can remains the most sustainable package on the market.

这些目标是通过CMI制定的.S. 金属罐制造商及其供应商. 铝制饮料罐的回收率为 45% in 2020, 和 the industry aims to attain even higher 回收率s beyond 2030 with an 80 percent rate by 2040 和 超过90% by 2050.

CMI 成员 are committed to more aluminum beverage cans completing the circular journey into new cans. 有 近90000 铝制饮料罐在美国每分钟都被回收利用 93%把回收箱放回商店货架上 在短短60天内就变成了一个新罐子. This high level of can-to-can recycling has resulted in the aluminum beverage can having an industry-leading average recycled content of 73 percent. 增加平均易拉罐的回收含量 减少了 its carbon footprint since making an aluminum beverage can from recycled material results in 超过90% 比用原始材料制造容器更少的温室气体排放. Continued high dem和 for aluminum beverage cans necessitates the industry’s vision for increasing recycling of used beverage cans (UBC). Increased UBC recycling would enhance the resiliency of the domestic aluminum supply chain that is incorporated into new cans.

如果易拉罐行业的新回收率目标得以实现,美国政府将采取行动.S. 回收系统也将获益,因为铝制饮料罐是其中之一 最有价值的商品 在回收流程中. 铝制饮料罐 只有 所有可回收物重量的3%.S. 房屋,但它们占了这些可回收物收入的近一半. 事实上, 最近的一项研究 结论是,如果没有来自ubc的收入, most of the material recovery facilities that sort single stream recyclables wouldn’t be able to operate with their current business models. 简而言之,收集更多的罐头意味着财政实力的增强.S. 循环系统.

铝制饮料罐开始处于强势地位. 铝制饮料罐 设计 成为可回收的最佳包装, 和 the can industry has invested billions of dollars so that cans are recycled in the United States 在规模 现有的基础设施. 铝制饮料罐 industry has been measuring its 回收率 for decades, 在过去的几十年里,这一比例一直徘徊在50%左右.

CMI’s approach to achieving its 回收率 goals will be to change consumer behavior through activities in four pillars of action:

  1. 促进…的通过和实施 精心设计的 州和联邦的存款制度
  2. 增加和改善家庭和家庭外回收
  3. 确保更多的易拉罐在回收中心得到妥善分类
  4. Increase consumer underst和ing on the importance of aluminum can recycling 和 the ability to collect 和 出售用过的饮料罐换取现金

支持CMI会员的目标是铝制饮料罐制造商 阿达金属包装, Canpack, 皇冠控股Envases; 和 aluminum can sheet suppliers Constellium, Kaiser铝, Tri-Arrows铝.

“CMI’s aluminum beverage can recycling goals are inspired by our member’s commitment to sustainable 和 responsible world class, 循环制造工艺,CMI总裁Robert Budway说. “The industry is working collaboratively to increase 回收率s to benefit not only the industry’s growth, 同时也加强了美国的外交关系.S. 节约能源,在地球管理中发挥我们的作用.”

以第一个行动支柱为例, the industry recently added to its thought leadership on the discussion around a 精心设计的 deposit system. CMI发表 联合声明 in September 2021 with the PET plastic 和 glass bottle industries making clear that all three leading beverage container types support 精心设计的 deposit systems. Further, CMI is advocating for a national deposit system in conversations with lawmakers.

A strong example in the third pillar where the industry is already making strong strides is ensuring that more returned cans are 正确排序 在回收中心. 就在两天前 第四格兰特 在can捕获程序中, 由Ardagh和云顶集团糖果游戏与The Recycling partnership合作资助, 密尔沃基地区的一个设施. 集体, these four grants will lead to equipment installed that ensure the proper sortation 和 recycling of 67 million additional used beverage cans annually.

The environmental 和 economic benefits of greater aluminum beverage can recycling are astounding. 如果铝饮料罐的回收率在2020年达到70%, 而不是45%, 大概有25个.再回收60亿罐,这 为美国创造了超过4亿美元的收入.S. 循环系统 和 resulted in energy savings that could power more than 1 million U.S. 住一整年.

The industry will publish in early 2022 a roadmap with more details on how via these pillars the 目标 will be achieved.