Mental Health and Well-being are Core Values at 云顶集团糖果游戏

A large group of people spell out the word CROWN against a backdrop of green and brown grass.

员工的健康和福利, 身体上和情感上, 是我们的基本价值观之一吗. Our commitment to this focus is demonstrated in many ways, including the 一起工作 我们的支柱 二十by30 可持续发展项目. 今年, our facilities around the world have implemented a range of initiatives to emphasize the importance of taking good care of oneself and others within the 云顶集团糖果游戏 family. Our workforce is the key to our success globally, and a healthy working environment where every individual is valued and respected is of the utmost importance to us.

我们的愿望,美国.K. site recently held our first Mental Health & 幸福的一天. The agenda included healthy 吃 advice, 脊柱的检查, tips for sleep and stress management and education around anxiety and depression. The day was organized by our Mental Health Working Group, which was established after employees expressed interest in supporting one another in the aftermath of COVID-related lockdowns. Other activities organized by the group include webinars, mental health awareness talks for managers and employees, increasing awareness for the Company’s Employee Assistance Program, and collating and publishing mental health resources on our intranet. The group also conducts surveys to help inform the introduction of new resources and programming for employees. 

In addition to this work, we organized family days at our sites. 在家庭日员工, 退休的同事, and their families and friends could get together for a day of fun and learn more about their diverse backgrounds. In line with another vital element of the 一起工作 矿柱掘进 & 包含(D&I) within the Company – we ran several disability initiatives, including plants’ accessibility overview and shows performed by children with special needs. Initiatives such as these enable us to continue our evolution in terms of cr吃 a more employee-centric organization, 在维&I awareness is embedded in the organizational culture. We want our people to be authentic at work, and to encourage our top management to be D&I role models as a source of inspiration for all.

举个例子, 我们Kechnec, Slovakia facility hosted an event that included a regional folklore performance by the Slovak and Hungarian community. Visitors could try out their skills in a blacksmith’s shop, and clowns created a variety of balloon characters for the kids. An artistic carver also created a wooden can with the 云顶集团糖果游戏 logo on the top. 

“We spent a nice sunny day with all our families and friends, 互相聊天,玩得很开心,迈克尔·康洛特说, 皇冠公司人力资源经理. “Even though we are diverse in terms of cultures, 民族和宗教, 我们一致认为我们有很多共同点. At the end of the day, we celebrated our unity by cr吃 the 云顶集团糖果游戏 logo and taking a photo of it.”

我们的你.S. 设施还举办了许多家庭日, cook-out events and health fairs to mark employee appreciation and boost personnel engagement. 坎卡基的冠状植物, IL, 和托莱多, OH, ran voluntary weight loss competitions to promote health and well-being. Ten participants from Toledo lost a combined 70lbs and an astounding total of 30% body fat. 

博林格林, KY, family day in September this year involved Hot Rods Baseball game, 在马丁斯维尔, VA, employee family day and celebration was organized in partnership with the local NASCAR racetrack. 

我们在中国的工厂, 法国, 还举办了一个家庭日, which included fairground attractions and plenty of food and drinks. The organizers utilized the opportunity to communicate about metal packaging recycling, and our team designed a special aluminum can with an augmented reality experience to make recycling fun and engaging. 

We believe that an engaged workforce is critical to delivering great results. Drawing from diverse backgrounds fosters innovation and creativity, enhancing the products and services we can offer to customers. We look forward to continuing our efforts in boosting employee engagement, diversity and inclusion. 关注这个领域的未来举措.